anti human trafficking

truths about the sex industry

Source: Treasures (

  • 89% of women want to escape but see no options for survival

  • 90% of women in the sex industry were sexually abused as children

  • There are more women in sex industry today than at any other time in history

  • 84% of women in prostitution are under the control of a pimp/trafficker

  • Mortality/death rate is 240x more in comparison to other professions

  • Women in the commercial sex industry have PTSD similar to veterans

  • ½ of all victims are minors; 70% of them are children from the foster care system



(Material fees $40)

This is a one day a week for 4 weeks prerequisite course to participate in anti-human trafficking outreach and to be equipped in how to deal with those suffering trauma.

The goal of this training is to educate people on how to effectively support women in the sex industry and survivors of trafficking, and better understand trauma and exploitation.


Must have completed Treasures Training to join!

This training covers a variety of topics dealing with healing and restoration. It has helped our volunteers to be more equipped in the area of anti-trafficking and explores how to help survivors in the healing process.

This training has also helped our staff identify areas in their own lives that need healing and restoration, allowing us to become stronger vessels in our community as wounded healers. This training is open to volunteers and ministry partners.


23rd // 5pm - 7pm
26th // 10am - 12pm

12th // 5pm - 7pm
15th // 10am - 12pm

14th // 5pm - 7pm
17th // 10am - 12pm

24th // 5pm - 7pm
27th // 10am - 12pm

5th // 5pm - 7pm
8th // 10am - 12pm

Human trafficking is a 150 billion-dollar industry in which traffickers exploit their victims for profit and strip them of their identity, dignity, and sense of control. Although this global crisis may seem “far away,” California reports the highest number of human trafficking cases of any state in the U.S. and has the sixth highest rate of human trafficking when adjusted per capita (World Population Review).

A significant number of those we serve have been trafficked during their lifetime. This is one of the many reasons why we have chosen to step onto the frontlines of trafficking sites. On Friday nights, between 9pm and 12am, we meet with over 45 girls being trafficked; shivering, barely clothed, waiting for the next “John” to objectify them. We are putting our boots on the ground to empower the women by showing up as “the Church,” praying with them, and offering next-step solutions as well as care-packages that assure them they are seen, known, and loved by God.

To fully understand the dynamics of trafficker/victim relationships and personal trauma, NorthEast of the Well teaches/facilitates an intensive curriculum produced by Treasures, another faith-based non-profit.

Our battle against trafficking speaks to the heart of our mission to bring God’s Word into hard-to-reach places. Consider becoming a faithful ally of ours by supporting us as we lead our outreach teams onto the streets, modeling Ephesians 5:11: “Take no part in worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.”